Oden is probably one of the greatest dishes ever been made! You have to try it. It's mainly served in the winter and is usually either made at home or bought in convenience stores.
It's been getting cold outside these days, so the convenience stores have started the take-out Oden earlier than last year. Yay! This is the one they have at the convenience store Family Mart.
I usually get daikon (white radish), boiled eggs, tofu, konbu, shirataki (konjac), kinchaku (rice cake stuffed in fried tofu pouch), and potatoes. Practically every non-meat non-fish menu available! Other people would probably enjoy the chikuwa(tube-like fish surimi), ganmodoki (fried tofu fritter), hanpen (triangular fish surimi), tsukune (pork roll), etc.
Oden is really a wonderful dish to warm you up when it's cold outside.