November 28, 2009

Red Alert!

This is Tokorozawa's fire ladder truck.

No idea why it was there but the little kids who passed by it were going wild over it, screaming 'Ooh ooh ooh kan kan kan!' which is apparently what a firetruck siren sounds like to them.


Babzy.B said...

Here the kids say 'Pim Pom Pim Pom " Nice truck !

Leif Hagen said...

A handsome fire truck indeed! I wonder what percentage of all fire trucks in the world are painted red??

Tall Gary said...

Cutting into Kaori’s broadcast we take you now to live coverage of fire-engine sirens in action! “Ooh ooh ooh kan kan kan!”

Babzy, Japanese ambulances sound different from fire engines. I could be mistaken but the ambulance sound as spoken comes out a lot like the way your kids say it. It is something like “Pi Po Pi Po.

Anonymous said...

Funny, it's different in every country. I think England it's: Eee ooo EEE ooo. Here, they just scream.

Aimz said...

cooL! my husband is a volunteer fireman so I will show him this!

VP said...

Love the way the wrote Tokorozawa. I refuse to write down Italian sirens...

Kaori said...

Babzy, Altadenahiker, ooh I love hearing how people in different countries say it! Pim Pom Pim Pom, Eee Ooo Eee Ooo, and screaming...that sounds about right ;D

Leif Hagen, great question! What other colors are out there?

Tall Gary, you're absolutely right. Also police cars just say Ooh Ooh without any sound of the bell :)

Amy, wow you must be really proud of your husband! Wonder what he'll thing of our fire truck :)

Vogon Poet, aww it can't be that bad! What do they sound like??? :D

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