January 3, 2010

Hot Hot Hokkairo

Do you have one in your pocket?

This is what we call 'Hokkairo,' a disposable heatpad. It's filled with iron powder, water, vermiculite, activated carbon, salt. And for some reason when exposed to oxygen it warms up. It's great to put in your pocket, slap it on outer clothes, or inside your boots or shoes.

The great thing about Hokkairo is that it's sold in most convenient stores and only costs about 40yen.


VP said...

I know that some 'outdoor' people use something like this, but it is not so common here.
By the way, today one of these Hokkairo would be handy!

henny said...

I never realized that would be its name. We called it 'koyo', it's Indonesian though and always wondered what's in the inside. We once tried to guess whether it's filled with something like pepper, or chili powder for their warm effect :)). I used this once, but it's feel like I was burnt. Hokkairo, I'll remember that. Can you imagine, how much iron powder, vermiculite, etc being consumed this winter.

nobu said...

Happy new year!
It was very cold this morning, I wanted it!

Leif Hagen said...

I'm glad you told us what it is 'cuz we can't read the writing on the wrapper! It'd be great to take along to the outdoor ice-skating rink!

Tall Gary said...

Tucking an activated one of those in the front of your haramaki can really do the trick.

Kaori said...

Vogon Poet, I tend to open a new pack every day now :)

Henny, I can barely imagine how much I'm consuming! haha.

Nobu, it's really freezing these days, isn't it?

Leif, it's great for outdoor activities! I had a bunch stuck on me when I went to disneyland a few weeks ago :)

Tall Gary, they make very cute haramaki now-a-days! I actually have a girly pink one, heehee!

Copenhagen said...

I haven't seen one of those for years. It's cold in Denmark but people (including me) still get on the bikes.

Aimz said...

Very handy!

Kaori said...

White Oleander, you are far braver than I am :D

Amy, it really is! I carry them around in my pouch all the time :)

Unknown said...

My friend Natsuko introduced me to it. I never knew the name though. It's not easy to find it in Australia.

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