The weather can't seem to make up it's mind. It's 22 degrees one day and 9 degrees the next. Sunny one afternoon and raining the next. Wearing a t-shirt one day and a fur coat the next.
I keep on putting my winter clothes away then having to dig it back out. But at least I got a photo out of this crazy weather. The slick wet roads made for a great reflection!
See other reflections from around the world at Weekend Reflections hosted by James.

Very nice contribution to the Weekend Reflections meme!
That is pretty! I like the different colors too.
somehow reminded me of katy perry's song. ^0^
yup, weather's just awfully cRaZy these days. ^-^
happy weekend!
Fabulous shot - love the wet reflections of the light.
nice shot , seems your weather looks like mine :)
Ooh. Another really nice one, Kaori. That’s an unusual color scheme, yet basically complimentary reds and greens. And look at the green in the window above the green car and the car in the right foreground, also green and, how three sections of the dark salmon-pink apartment corridors are muted by what looks like green light.
The soft bright lights and reflections looming out of the darkness just nails me. Please let us know if you ever plan to do something Zazzle-wise.
Being madly in love with rain, made this photography nearly look like poetry.
Over here it hasn't been raining for now more than two months, making it hard for every living being.
Wishing you a wonderful Sunday.
daily athens
Hi everyone, thank you for the comments! I guess rain is a blessing when you consider what would happen without rain :)
Arabesque, I was actually singing her song while posting! hehe.
A very nice catch, love the pastel colors and the reflections of the light.
Very pretty picture. It makes me think of a pastel rainbow!
I love the warm colours of the buildings against the green cold light. Amazing reflections!
cheers from italy =)
Thanks you guys :D
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