Kami Bridge is another one of the bridges over Azuma River. This one has a very new sign with the bridge name on it. It reads 'Kami-bashi.'
Sometimes you can see ducks swimming in the river below, but no such luck today.
Click below for more lovely photos of bridges around the world!

Are those birds flying way down in the river? Oh, just the reflection. Ha ha.
Ooh, a brand new sign. Do you think they are intentionally trying to please Louis la Vache? Intentional or not, I’m sure he will be glad to see your bridge today.
Very good, Kaori!
«Louis» has linked it to the other Sunday Bridges!
It looks more like a man-made canal than a river. It certainly is a lovely area, however.
Very lush and cool appearing. Looks deep, too!
Very lush and cool appearing. Looks deep, too!
It does look deep or maybe steep is a better word! Nice photo.
Peaceful, peaceful, peaceful.
Please have a wonderful Sunday.
daily athens
Lovely! I would love to take a walk there (but I say that every week, don't I?!!!)
Sorry no "duck luck!" I love the kanji sign on the bridge!
A lovely place and I really like when you post those plaques with the Japanese characters on it!
Hajimete dakedo tanoshinde yomimasu. Ee Kamibashi to iu koto desu, chotto wakariyasui:) Saitama ni itta koto ga mada arimasen ga itte mitai desu. Ja mata.
Looks deep. Do many people go there to see the ducks?
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