There used to be a couple of houses here.
But just a few weeks ago, they started tearing down the wall and now most of the lot is cleared. Except for this lone tree.
I wonder what they're going to do with it. I hope they leave it.
Rooting for you, tree!
YES! Tree, we are ROOTing for you - no pun intended!
Let's hope the tree stays, or at least is replanted somewhere.
aw, well i hope it will be something interesting. like something Green :D
you will have to follow up on that! :D
Do you think it stands a chance?
What a role-model !
daily athens
I'm rooting for the tree too!
I'm rooting too!
Ganbateeee...... CMIIW
I'm rooting for it too!
But if that stick is propping up the tree branches, chances are good that the new owner plans on keeping the tree. Otherwise, he wouldn't even bother.
We can only hope it gets better "treetment" than the houses.
whatever happens afterward, i hope it gets well tree-ted. ^0^
I'll keep everyone up to date, I promise! In the meantime, I'm enjoying everyones 'tree' punts, hehe ;D
Thank you for commenting everyone!
The noise level just got louder - add my voice!
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