January 4, 2011

Warm Feet, Warm Heart

I was standing here forever, trying to figure out what I wanted. There were so many to choose from. Long socks, ankle socks, five-toe socks...oh my!

Ended up taking so long that I decided just to take a photo and come back another day.


Halcyon said...

I would also have a hard time deciding!!

May 2011 be filled with joy and success. :)

VP said...

I agree completely! That's nice, but I imagine that this would have been much better in color!

Michael Valčić said...

Oh wow, that's quite a selection. I'd probably end up going for one of those fuzzy looking ones.

I love the contrast in these shots. =)

Tall Gary said...

I wonder, did you get cold feet and want to buy some warm socks or did you not buy any because you got cold feet?

Kaori said...

Hi guys! Thank you for the comments ;-D

VP, yes you're right, I imagine they would look better in color but for some reason we're not allowed to have cameras inside department stores here :(

Tall Gary, very clever! Maybe a bit of both ;-D haha.

Francisca said...

Kaori, your reply to VP confuses me. You're not allowed a camera in the store, but you took a b&w...? Funny, maybe because I look like a tourist, no one ever stopped me from taking photos inside the stores. I can relate to being overwhelmed by too much choice... I feel that way every time I have to go buy a pair of tennis shoes! :-D

T. Becque said...

That's funny! At least you got a photo out of it!

arabesque said...

haha! i was shocked at how plenty of choices they have available.
you don't usually get that in here.
i ended up buying stockings, socks, warmer and a whole lot of diff. patterns etc.
the truth is, i don't know where and when will i ever use them.
hehe, my sis said i was panic buying already.

Unknown said...

Toe socks please!

Online pharmacy reviews said...

I don't like to wear socks but if I have to do it because of the weather there aren't anything else to do.

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